Our Services
We Help Companies Find The Right Talent.

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Simple Job Ad/Listing
This Job Ad is valid for 30 Days.
Featured Job Ad.
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Featured Job Ad.
This Job Ad. is valid for 30days it will appear at the top of the job ads.
Pack Of 5 Job Ads
₹500 / month with a 30-day free trial
Pack Of 5 Job Ads
Pay For 4 & Get 5 Featured Job Ads.
Consulting for Companies
Our dedicated team of consultants is liable to follow a planned recruitment and selection process which entails the use of recent technology and strategic approach. Our recruitment and selection process involves detailed research on contemporary trends and skill market, thorough position briefing, capability and skill assessment, exhaustive validation procedure enabling us to refer candidates of highest competence.
Campus Placement
“Campus Recruitment is the program conducted within educational institutes or in a commonplace to provide jobs to students pursuing or in the stage of completing the program”
Campus Placement
Executive Staffing/Outsourcing Recruitment
With our vast experience and knowledge about the Staffing Domain, we have been able to serve the needs of more than 10+ diverse organizations and are continuously expanding by handling the complex market demands
Local Manpower Solutions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Trust & Know?
Trust & Know is a tech-enabled hiring platform for Domestic, It is NOT an Agency. It is an online service that connects you with suitable, available. There is no middleman or agency. Thus you save the commission (normally at least one month’s salary) you would have paid an agency and you help the Workers avoid getting physically and/or financially exploited at the hands of a middleman. In short, this is the simplest way to hire.
What happens when we post a job?
When you post a job, we contact job seekers registered in our database for your location and advertise your job. They can apply for the job and also tell their friends about it, who in turn may apply. This means we reach out to many more job seekers in the target locality with your exact requirements. This increases the chances of good applicants.
New candidate applications are added to your account as soon as received.
I have a worker who needs a job. Can I register it?
Yes, please. This will be a great help for the job seekers. Simply go to the register link on the website. It is a two-minute job but means a lot to job seekers.